From the cricket pitch to the board room, ThinkAbility assists all organisations to concentrate on the individual in order to bring out their best abilities.
Nathan’s key roles:
. Providing training to medical and occupational therapy students about cerebral palsy and communication aid use.
. Providing training to businesses and sports organisations on inclusivity and accessibility.
. Consulting with business managers on best practice policies for employees with a physical disability.
. Consulting on new builds, ie. Sports arenas, music venues, shopping centres and advising on accessibility requirements and facilities.
. Training mentors of people with acquired brain Injuries.
. 1-1 mentoring with people with acquired brain injuries.
Nathan Popple is a true campaigner for equality, accessibility and fairness. Now 25, Nathan began his quest for greater inclusivity when he was just 11 years old when he created the website This was a huge project in which Nathan, as a wheelchair user, explored his home city and chartered the accessibility of premises available to the general public. This work led to Nathan receiving many awards, such as the Special Recognition Category at the Yorkshire Children of Courage Awards. The Children’s Champion at the Child-Friendly Leeds Awards. The Campaigner of the Year Award in Parliament for the work he did with Whizz Kidz and a Parliamentary Early Day Motion was submitted in recognition of his outstanding work in campaigning for equality.
Nathan also served on the NHS Youth Board for Leeds, was a Whizz Kidz Ambassador, was an executive board member of Leeds Youth Council and was a board member for ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Nathan also received the Child-Friendly Leeds Certificate of recognition for outstanding contribution to the city.
As an adult, Nathan has continued and developed the work he started as a child and has provided training to student doctors at Leeds University, student Occupational Therapists at Leeds University, given talks and training in schools about disability awareness and was the accessibility and facilities consultant during the building of Leeds Arena.
Nathan’s passion for training and advising others remain and this led to him co-founding ThinkAbility a company in which he can share his skills and passion for fairness.